Monthly Archives: April 2017

C100 is for sale

I forgot to update my website with the fix for the missing issue with the C100. Turns out that it wasn’t anything to do with the ignition system at all. When I put the stock Honda carb on it from the other ratty C100 a month or so ago all the issues went away. Just goes to show that even after years of fixing bikes there’s always stuff to be wrong about. I’m chuffed that it’s finally right now, although I kind of wish I hadn’t thrown so much money at the ignition system when there wasn’t actually anything wrong with it though.

Anyway, after it having been fixed for a month or so and hardly ever getting used, I have decided to sell it. Ange rode it today and unsurprisingly didn’t like it (she dislikes everything except her old ERN6N and apparently it will always be my fault that she sold it). So time to list it on Trademe and make some more space in the garage.

The CBX250 is sold

It was a  fun project, and it had it’s moments, but was worthwhile. I’ve run out of enthusiasm to keep on working on the CBX250. It’s in good order now and can be ridden, just has a small oil leak. I couldn’t face any more weekends in the garage and Ange’s disapproving looks, so I listed it on Trademe a couple of weeks ago and it sold yesterday, being picked up and paid for today.

I hope the owner looks after it and get many years of coolness.

I think I will miss it after it’s gone.